
Real Housewives of DC- Nixed for Good?!

Yes, Bravo fans, it’s true. Yesterday, Andy Cohen released a not-so-pleasing announcement for Washingtoniennes everywhere, as the first season of the Real Housewives franchise gets denied another contract for a second season. And while Micheale (I don’t know how to spell her name correctly, nor do I care to learn how to. Why can’t she just call herself Michaela?) Salahi definitely stirred up some juicy drama in the season finale (and is now the official laughing stock of the District… but props to her, I wish I knew how to crash a White House gala), the show just didn’t cut it. And as a Washingtonienne myself who has proudly represented the city for nearly seven years, I was bored out of my mind after two episodes. Sure, Lynda’s neurotic antics were adorable (along with the man on her arm, Ebong), Kat’s British grace was elegant, and Mary’s see-and-be-seen attitude definitely mirrored Housewives in other seasons (she’s constantly at the W), our political mentalities and cultural awareness totally take precedence in the District over a decadent spending lifestyle that is perfect for a reality sitcom.

Regardless of how rich women are in the District, they just don’t give a crap about Herve Leger, Bentleys, and plastic surgery the way that members of the other Housewives’ franchises do. DC is a totally different culture than most other cities in the country, perhaps with a more European, je ne said quoi charisma to it that is fast thinking, forward processing, with entertainment totally off of its radar. And while I’m definitely happy that I don’t live in a city full of bimbos, DC has got to let it go with this reality TV thing- we’re not hot enough, controversial enough, or dramatic enough to cater to America’s viewers in the reality television constituency. And that’s fine; Let’s be honest, I would SO take Barack Obama over Camille Grammer any day!

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