
Missoni for Target=Amazingness

Okay, I know that this news is over a week old. However, Missoni for Target has totally done in my checking account, level of sanity, and my closet now looks like a gay pride parade has thrown up inside of it. For those of you who are totally and completely fashion blind (which I am sometimes, too, accordingly to others..it's all about perception), Missoni is an Italian designer who came onto the scene in the '70s with his bold and rigid colored prints. Having gained popularity internationally, Missoni has become a staple for fashion lovers everywhere, but a designer that traditionally was only made affordable to the richesse population, unless you could find it onsale on Singer22 or The Outnet. But-bless all of my Target lucky stars!- he decided to pair up with the department store and release a line of women, men, and children's apparel, along with housing goods, luggage, accessories, and even bicycles (which I think is problematic if you actually purchase it no matter how much money you have...just saying). Yes, Missoni for Target is still great quality, and has all of the beautiful line designs that make all of his original patterns so unique. But don't jump on the bandwagon too late; the stuff has been known to sell out at both the Columbia Heights and Leesburg Pike Targets upon an hour after the shipment deliveries, so you gotta act fast!

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