
Top Fashion Trends for Fall in DC!

Okay, okay. So I'm not totally down with being "in" with each particular season. Let's be honest; You'll never see me in a Fedora, I'm not wearing a cape (even if Olivia Palermo swears by one...and who is she really, anyway?), and I'd rather DIE than ever be seen in a ballet flat unless they're Tory Burch, or I'm in a ballet class. However, having been on the prowl in purchasing clothes for my upcoming job with a DC recruiting firm, I've definitely seen some fall trends that will be sure to come into fruition as the season opens up even further. According to the boutiques of both M Street and K Street, below is your guide to fall fashion; However, take it with a grain of salt, and never wear a trend that isn't flattering to your body type (I made that mistake with goucho pants four years ago...Definitely NOTTT the type of pant to wear if you've got a badunkadunk!):

  • Hunter Green Denim: Pair them with a brown suede jacket and a white, blousey top. Add some hoop earrings so that you don't look like a total hipster and go take on the town!
  • Loafer Heels: My mother has sworn on loafers for twenty-four years, and I have mocked her for them throughout my entire existence. However, this new, heeled loafer, gives the traditional a sexy and edgy twist. Go for a style in a camel, Earth-tone, or wine-colored hue (you'll look like you're in Catholic school if you buy a black pair). 
  • Capes and Ponchos: While I almost REFUSED to put this hideous trend on my blog, I gotta be honest; If you're one of those sticklers for wearing the "in" item, buy a cape and you've hit the nail on the head. In the spirit of reporting honestly, cape styles have adorned the windows of Intermix and Wink, and will definitely be a stand-out look for the season...Sorry, but I am NOT Little Red Riding Hood and will not be participating. 
  • Blousey Tops: Had too many wings this past weekend while watching the Redskins game? This is the PERFECT trend for football season, and will totally help to hide that foopa you're ashamed to have grown over the past couple of weeks. Think 70s peasant tops with a modern twist and more sophisticated fabrics; It's a great look that's flattering on everyone!
  • Tuxedo-Style Pairings: Blacks-and-whites paired together are making a huge comeback for the fall! Think white tops, black blazers, and black pencil pants, or black and white stripes. Add a ruffley top or something with edge so that you avoid looking like a Blair Waldorf copy-cat and you're good to go. 
  • Metallic Leather Jackets: I just got a cropped one in silver. But whether real or faux, the metallic leather jacket in either gold, silver, or copper, is a great look that can add just a little bit of extra Rihanna to your blah outfit. Plus, this trend item is something that you can keep in your wardrobe for the long term.
Anyone have anything else that they've seen as a trend for fall? Comment and keep me posted, and remember to never leave the house without your hoop earrings and name plate jewelry, no matter the trend. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the D.C. trends, especially the blousey tops and metallic jacket, where did you find one? I do a blog about D.C. restaurants on a dime, you should visit :)
