
Andrew Stover IS Chief Vino

I could just never get into the wine thing. I tried watching Sideways, but got nausea from the Paul Giamatti sex scenes and had to turn it off. I tried going wine tasting in Temecula Valley during my last visit to San Diego, but drank rather than tasted and ended up alone and asleep in the car by the third vineyard. I even tried pretending that I knew something about wine when the man I was dating at the time asked me to bring him over a full-body white and I spent $38 dollars on the Pinot Grigio with the prettiest bottle (translation: lots of gold and embellishments). Needless to stay, we stopped dating shortly after. It wasn't until I found someone as in love with wine as I am with leopard print that I knew I would give the world of vino one last shot. 
Michigan-native Andrew Stover IS the Chief Vino. And that's not just in reference to his fabulous blog that receives over five hundred hits a day. No, one of DC's top sommeliers Andrew Stover turned a personal obsession into a full blown career through his charisma, richesse attitude and ability to articulate wine-speak for the plebes like me who, before meeting Andrew, couldn't tell the difference between a Pinot Noir and a Pinot Grigio (I just asked for whatever I wanted by identifying a color...classy). After beginning work at Breaux Vineyards over seven years ago, the obsession began to manifest to such a great degree that he now has over 500 bottles of wine in his apartment at any given moment. He now works as the head sommelier at Oya (9th and H Street NW) and Sei (444 7th Street NW) and also hosts various wine seminars throughout the city. Andrew, who holds a sommelier diploma from the International Sommelier Guild and a Certified Specialist of Wine Certification (that's big stuff right there) continues to hold VIP status in the wine world and has been invited to private tastings all over the world, ranging from countries like Argentina and Brazil to Italy and the UK. 
This past month, Andrew Stover's love for wine expanded even further, as he developed his own line of delicate, zesty fusion wines titled Vino50. The collection will showcase an influence of flavor profiles from all 50 states in the union and will be sold at various wine events throughout the city. The Vino50 Syrah remains the most popular at the moment (and Mr. Stover's favorite).
Andrew enjoys wines suitable for a variety of different palates. Below, I've listed some of Andrew's favorite wines, along with the type of individual that may be pre-gaming with it before their next big night out on the town:
  • Merkin 2006 Chupacabra Red: For the type of guy who likes loafers, wind-breakers, comb-overs, but still appreciates the finer things in life. After downing the Chupacabra, he'll probably end up at Third Edition afterwards looking for his dream date who will probably be donned in Lily Pulitzer (vom). It doesn't help the situation that the lead singer of Tool helped to produce this wine, either. 
  • 2007 Kinkade Ridge Viognier: For the beautiful brunette dressed from head to toe in Zara and French Connection who will leave her table every fifteen minutes for a cigarette break. She's classy, bourgeois, and loves complexity and spontaneity in her life. Catch her at Lima and then L2 for after hours (because the Viognier girl needs an after hours).
  • Due Torri Pinot Noir 2007: For the power woman lobbyist who needs to relax during happy hour after a long day in the male-dominated political world. She wears a pressed, expensive interview suit and only has one glass (but it still does the trick).
  • 2008 Bon Bon Shiraz Rose: For the idiot dude trying to impress his girlfriend on a date because of the adorable bottle it's presented in. It's a very decent wine and definitely a cute bottle for a group of girlfriends to indulge, but if HE orders this, she should run. Fast. 
  • 2008 Left Foot Charlie Riesling: For the blonde girl who is the life of the party and fabulous. She's probably Greek or Italian and after indulging in this bottle with a group of girlfriends donned in Sky tops, will make her way to either Fly or Currents. She looks great in leopard print and when it comes to wine, the sweeter is always the better. 
Even though I used to think that wine gave me a headache, after meeting Andrew Stover, it never tasted so good. Now if I could only make it through a wine tasting...
Andrew Stover can be visited online at his site, Chief Wino, located at www.chiefwino.com. You'll find tips on wine handling and storage, along with information on tons of great wine events throughout the city. Cheers!

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